• How Many People Read Your Magazines Every Month?

    Starting on March 1, 2024, all of our magazines will be available for free for up to one MILLION monthly readers to read and/or download. We already have this many people visiting our popular network of web sites reading our stories online, and will heavily promote the magazines on our sites.
  • What is the Demographic of Your Readers?

    Every month, at least one million African American professionals read our news stories online. 55% of them are women and 45% are men. They are age 25 to 60. All of them love and support Black excellence, entrepreneurship, and unity.
  • Why Should I Pay to Be on the Cover of Your Magazines?

    It is very difficult to be featured on the cover of a magazine, but with our publications, we allow you to pay for the opportunity. Afterward, you'll be able to promote this to your audience and followers, and this will lead to major publicity, validation and recognition for your brand.
  • How Do I Know This is a Reputable Company?

    Google us! Our award-winning marketing and advertising company is called Diversity City Media and we have been in business for 25 years. Our founder, Dante Lee, is very well known as the owner and producer of BlackNews.com, BlackBusiness.com, BlackHistory.com, BlackWoman.com, and BlackJobs.com.